Want to play handball but don’t know the basics? No need to worry this article will tell you everything you need to know about handball dribbling and movement rules.
Dribbling the ball gives handball players the right to take 3 extra steps before they pass or shoot the ball. In handball, while holding the ball, you can take 3 steps before you must pass, shoot, or dibble. Dribbling, bouncing the ball off the court, resets the 3-step count.
Players can only dribble once in between a pass or a shot.
For anyone new to the game, this rule might be hard to understand, but for everyone who has played handball before, it’s pretty simple.
Handball is a fast-paced, team-oriented sport, in which a lot of quick passes and player movement results in high-quality shots.
Without the 3-step rule, players would run the length of the court and take shots without considering any passing options. Since snatching the ball, ripping the ball out of players’ hands, isn’t allowed, there would be no way to stop them.
Dribbling gives players a chance to get themselves out of a tight situation or get into a better shooting position, without sacrificing the team-focused spirit of the game.
You may think dribbling the ball seems simple, but your opponents will try to swat the ball away before you have a chance to catch it again.
Want to know more about handball dribbling and movement rules? Take a look at my guide here!

The Basics of Handball Movement and Dribbling
Here are a few things every aspiring handball player needs to know:
- Players holding the ball can take 3 steps before they must pass or shoot the ball.
- Taking more than 3 steps results in a turnover.
- Players without the ball can move around freely without having to count their steps.
- Players can hold the ball for a maximum of 3 seconds before they must shoot, pass, or dribble.
- Holding the ball for longer than 3 seconds results in a turnover.
- Players can dribble (bounce the ball) once to reset the 3-second to take 3 more steps, shoot, or pass.
Always remember to move the ball around when playing handball. You never see a real handball player holding onto the ball.
Thinking Ahead
In most cases, I have an idea of what I’m going to do with the ball before I even catch a pass. This sport develops a sense of forward-thinking. It can be overwhelming to beginners, but once you get a few games under your belt, you will be fine.
These few tips should help you in the beginning:
- If I get the ball before crossing the halfway line, I pass the ball to one of the wing players. They will advance our position on the court and pass the ball back to me or take a shot.
- As a winger, focus on advancing the ball up the court and passing it back to your Center-Back.
- As a left-back or right-back, after you catch the ball, fake a pass, and immediately take a shot from distance.
Since you only have 3 seconds to make a decision, you need to get used to having a plan before you ever get the ball. At first, simple passes are the best options, but once you’ve gained some experience, you’ll want to set your teammates up for open shots, try give-and-go passes, and get yourself into shooting positions.
Keep these simple things in mind when playing handball:
- Only 3 steps are allowed when holding the ball.
- You can only hold the ball for 3 seconds.
- Your options are to pass, shoot, or dibble.
The 3-step and 3-second rules are core fundamentals of the game and exist to promote ball movement, team play, and forward-thinking.
Everyone is allowed to dribble the ball once after their 3 steps or 3 seconds are up. This gives the player a little extra time to make a pass or take a shot. A dribble is often used at the end of 3 to achieve a favorable shooting position.
Want to Know More About Handball?
If you want to learn all the rules of the game, I’ve put together an article with everything you need to know. It’s called Handball Rules, How to Play Handball. The guide is equipped with a bullet point list of all the rules you need to know to play the game. Regardless of if you play indoors or at a beach, the same rules apply.
There, you’ll find a downloadable PDF of all the rules and regulations. Feel free to download my guide and share it with your teammate and organization.
Keep playing this amazing game, and always remember to be competitive and have fun.